Question 1
At a location with an external angle (DELTA) of 30 degrees a curve of radius 1000 ft is used along with a spiral transition curve with k-value of 3 degrees per 100 feet.
Calculate the length of each curve segment.
Describe the reasons for using a spiral curve.
Question 2
For each of the three vertical curves shown below, calculate the following:
K and r
station of BVC and EVC
elevation of point at a distance, L/4, from BVC and EVC
station of turning point
elevation of turning point
elevation of mid-point of each curve
Curve 1
G1 = +2%, G2 = +3%
Elevation of PI = 152.50 feet
Stat. of BVC = 120+00
Stat. of EVC = 125+50
Curve 2
G1 = -2%, G2 = +4%
Elevation of BVC = 55.50 feet
Stat. of BVC = 10+00
Stat. of EVC = 18+50
Curve 1
G1 = +2%, G2 = -2.5%
Elevation of EVC = 15.00 feet
Stat. of BVC = 60+00
Stat. of PI = 72+50