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Lecture Room: MCHU (former Laurel Hall) 302
Group Research Meeting Room: Castleman 117
Time: 4:40 pm
Instructor: Norman Garrick
Office Hours: M 2 to 3 pm (CAST 330)
or By Appointment
UAA: Lauren Romeo
Office Hours: By Appointment
In this class you will conduct research on cities that are some of the most effective
in the world in terms of sustainable transportation and land use planning.
The goal is to learn from and be inspired by the work in these cities.
Group Research
Your group's research of your case study city should answer the following questions:
How and why did they develop their approach to planning?
What goals are they trying to advance?
What procedures and techniques have they implemented in pursuit of their goals?
What changes were needed in policy and governance to advance their goals?
How successful have they been in moving towards their goals?
Learning Objects​
Learn and understand the basic elements of effective transportation planning
Gain an understanding and appreciation for the interdependency of transportation and land use planning
Learn about the broad societal impacts of transportation decisions
Learn about the economic, political and institutional structures that govern transportation policy making
Improve written and oral communication skills
Group Project
The class project will be conducted in groups. The grades will be based both on a group and an individual component.
There will be three (3) in-class PRESENTATIONS and a FINAL REPORT for the project.
Each student will be responsible for their section of the report.
The final report for the group should be no more that 12 typewritten pages (double spaced), inclusive of figures and tables.
Report Due: Friday December 06
There will be two (2) exams.
The exams will be based on class notes, in-class discussion, homework and the project reports (for the final exam).
Term Paper (CE 5710 only)
Students in the graduate section will be required to write a term paper of no more that 6 typewritten pages (double spaced) in a subject of their own chosing.
Due: Monday December 09
Grade Assessment
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